Sunday, January 26, 2020

Empowerment of Women through Neighbourhood Groups

Empowerment of Women through Neighbourhood Groups Empowerment of Women through Neighbourhood Groups in Malappuram district of Kerala Haseena Jasmine C K Abstract NeighbourHood Group (NHG) popularly known as Kudumbashree Ayalkoottam, is an innovative idea undertaken by Kudumbashree mission of Kerala. Empowerment of women is essential to harness the women labour in the main stream of economic development. Empowerment of women is a holistic concept. It is multi-dimensional in its approach and covers economic, political, social/cultural, personal and family aspects. Of all these facets of women development, economic empowerment is of utmost significance in order to achieve a lasting and sustainable development of society. Micro finance is an important means for attaining women empowerment. Micro finance is the provision of thrift, credit and other financial services and products of very small amounts mainly to the poor in rural, semi-urban and urban areas for enabling them to raise their income level and improve their standard of living. It has proven to be an effective and popular measure for women empowerment. This paper examines how far the NH Gs contribute to women empowerment and also to understand the problems faced by the members of NHGs. Keywords: Microfinance, Empowerment, Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs), Kudumbashree, Poverty Eradication. Introduction Women are an integral part of every economy. Overall growth and development of a nation would be possible only when women are considered as equal partners in progress with men. Empowerment of women is essential to bring the women in the main stream of economic as well as social development, and also to bring national development. Women empowerment is multi-dimensional in its approach and covers economic, political, social, cultural and personal aspects. Micro finance is an important means for attaining women empowerment. Micro finance is the provision of thrift, credit and other financial services and products of very small amounts mainly to the poor in rural, semi-urban and urban areas for enabling them to raise their income level and improve their standard of living. It has proven to be an effective and popular measure for women empowerment. The State Poverty Eradication Mission, known as Kudumbashree is an innovative poverty eradication programme of the Government of Kerala, which is a community based, women oriented and participatory programme in every respect. Kudumbasree programme is being implemented through the local self governments in the State. The three-tier community based organisation of women includes Neighbourhood Groups (NHGs) at the grass root level, Area Development Societies (ADSs) at the local level and Community Development Societies (CDSs) at the Panchayat/ Municipality level. These organisations act as important means for empowering women. Empowerment of women is considered as an important responsibility of every government. NeighbourHood Group NeighbourHood Group (NHG) popularly known as Kudumbashree Ayalkoottam, is an innovative idea undertaken by Kudumbashree mission of Kerala, with the aim of not only to know our neighbours, but also to share all our information, views, ideas or opinions for the betterment of our group in general. This platform will also help each one of the members to showcase their talents through the annual get together. Grass root level poor women are organized through Neighbourhood Groups(NHGs) consisting of 20-40 women with 5 functional Volunteers, viz., Community Health Volunteer, Income Generation Volunteer, Infrastructure Volunteer, Secretary and President. The NHG members used to meet once in a week in one of the member’s house. The members, who meet together, discuss their problems and make joint effort to find solutions to their grievances with the support of the functional volunteers. This would bring up an interpersonal feeling among the members and would generate supportive attitude to build confidence among them. Apart from this, they practice small savings through thrift which should be used to create productive assets. Women Empowerment Empowermentrefers to increasing the economic, political, social, educational, gender, or spiritual strength of individuals and communities. Womens Empowerment educates and empowers women who are homeless with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job, create a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children. Empowerment also includes encouraging, and developing the skills for, self-sufficiency, with a focus on eliminating the future need for charity or welfare in the individuals of the group. This process can be difficult to start and to implement effectively. Statement of Problem Empowerment of women is seen as one of the most important means of economic, social and cultural development as well as for reducing poverty among women. Even the Government takes considerable effort for empowering women and to improve their status in the society, still they face number of problems. We know NHGs are mainly initiated for the purpose of empowering women. But we can’t think that all NHGs are succeeded in women empowerment. And also we can’t faithfully believe that all the members of NHGs are satisfied with them. It is necessary to analyse how far the NHGs contribute to women empowerment and also to understand the problems faced by the members of NHGs. Objectives of the Study The objectives of this study as follows: To examine the role of Neighbourhood Group in women empowerment. To identify the problems and constraints faced by the members of Neighbourhood Groups. To make suggestions for the empowerment of women. Research Methodology The research design adopted for the study is descriptive. The study is based on both primary and secondary data. The primary data was collected from 100 members of NHGs through a sample survey in Malappuram district of Kerala. A structured questionnaire was used for the collection of primary data. The secondary data was collected from the journals, books, reports, websites etc. For analyzing the collected data, the mathematical and statistical tools like percentage and average have been used. Analysis and Interpretation Overall Women Empowerment through NHGs The following table shows the overall empowerment that attained by members through the NHGs. Table.1 Overall Empowerment of Members Sources: Primary Data It reveals that, majority of the Neighbourhood Group members are empowered by the scheme NHGs (Kudumbashree Ayalkoottam). 56% are highly empowered by NHGs, 24% neither highly nor poorly empowered by the NHGs and only 20% are poorly empowered by the scheme NHGs. Personal Problems The following table shows the personal problems faced by the members of NHGs. Table.2 Personal Problems Sources: Primary Data This table indicate that 43% are facing the problem of delay in getting loans, 37% are feel the family responsibility as a burden for their work, 30% are facing lack of proper guidance for smooth functioning of NHGs, 20% are facing stress and strain while working in NHGs and seven percentage in decision making. From this analysis, we can conclude that majority of the members are facing problem of delay in getting loans and proper guidance. Financial Problems The following table shows the financial problems faced by NHGs members. Table.3 Financial Problems Sources: Primary Data The table 3 reveals the financial problems faced by NHG members. Among the 30 members, 67% are facing lack of income, 50% are facing lack of finance and 30% are facing delay in getting loans from the affiliated ADS/CDS. Only three percentage face resistance from banks and other financial institutions and 10% are facing the problem of proper utilization of funds. As per the table we can say that, even they are facing large number of problems but 100% NHGs are free from overdue debts. FINDINGS OF THE STUDY The key findings of the study are summarized here. From the analysis it is clear that 90 % of the NHGs members are housewives and only three percentages are Govt. employees. Seven percentages of members are engaged in other jobs along the membership in NHGs. Around 43 % of NHGs members are working in NHGs for a period of 2-5 years, 37% are above 5 years and only 13% are working for 6-12 months. It is interested to note that 57% of members are joined in NHG for taking loans to meet personal financial needs, and 40% are joined with the expectation that they can improve their standard of living by way of increasing income. Majority of the members are entered into the field only for taking loans. The level of satisfaction that attained by NHG members reveals that 74% are satisfied, 20% are neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, but only 6% are dissatisfied. Whole of the NHGs undertaking micro finance scheme. Apart from this, 40% NHGs are engaged in self employment schemes and other schemes for the welfare of the women, children, aged people, etc. The activities include Harithashree, Scholasrship for children, Balasabha, etc. These are undertaken mainly for imparting knowledge for their members. NHGs are exclusively for the benefit of women. The analysis reveals that 100% women members of NHGs are beneficiaries of their activities. They are not only undertaken for the welfare of women, but also for the welfare of general public, aged people, Children, etc. Majority of the members (90 %) opinioned that NHGs have a crucial role in women empowerment and only three percentages are fall under the category of low empowerment. Majority of the members (87%) have improvements in their standard of living as a result of reduction in poverty through NHGs. Family support is an integral part for empowering women. Majority of members (87%) get great support from their family to participate with NHG by way of financial services (69%), motivation (54%) and participation in decision making. Majority of the members (80%) have enough time to spend with their family even they are working in NHG. Unlike men, women have dual role in her family. Hence family responsibility may be a barrier for their efficient performance in NHGs. It shows that, 50% members never felt family responsibility as a burden for them. Majority of the members (60%) spend their income as they wish. It is interested to note that, they have freedom in spending their income without permission of their husbands, fathers or any other relatives. As a member in NHG, they got a prominent role in family decisions in the matters of food items, education of their children, medical treatments of their dependents, etc. Though the respondents are become a members of NHG for increasing income, only 16% have increased income through NHGs. Average 35% members believed that they got a family improvement through NHGs. At the same time, 33% believed that there is no family improvement. Above 50% members achieve personal improvement through NHG. NHG members got social improvement than any other improvements through NHGs (62%). Majority of NHGs succeeded in imparting knowledge and skills to their members. They can also acquire personal education through NHGs and their experiences in NHGs. Majority of them acquire banking habit through NHGs. Major problems faced by NHGs are lack of co-ordination (84%), lack of income (67%) and delay in getting loans from afflicted ADS/CDS (30%). Major problems faced by NHG members are lack of income for their valuable services for the economic development. They also feel lack of proper guidance (30%), training (10%), and information (10%). The level of empowerment attained by respondents through NHGs have crucial role in economic as well as social development, because the development is possible only when the women are empowered. Empowerment of women has been achieved to a great extend, through NHGs. Majority of members are attained personal improvements (85%) than any other improvements. They have acquired decision making power (77%), mobility (67%) and equality (63%) through Ayalkoottam. 100% members are attained ability to mingle with others and 86% attained mutual help and support through Ayalkoottam. Thus there have great improvements in the women in matters of their personal skills, social involvement, decision making power, etc through NHGs. SUGGESTIONS To enhance women empowerment through NHGs, it is suggested to undertake the following measures by the NHGs. For strengthen women, NHG should strengthen their overall working. Generally the members do not get any remuneration for their service. So they are not motivated to work with enthusiasm. Therefore the Government should provide adequate remuneration to them. NHGs provide service by categorizing BPL and APL families; it is not a rational measurement. Therefore the Government should identify the right beneficiaries. The Government should provide more funds for the welfare of the women through NHG. CONCLUSION Majority of the members in NHGs are highly empowered through the micro financing and loan facilities. It is clear that women are the ultimate beneficiaries of this scheme. But they still face a number of problems in this field like lack of family support, lack of income, lack of training and coordination etc. Among all improvements attained by women as a NHG member, social improvement is the most enlightened one. References J.A.Ruby, July (2008) â€Å"Micro Finance and Women Empowerment – A Study of Kudumbashree Project in Kerala†, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam. Mayoux, L. (2000) â€Å"Microfinance and empowerment of women. A review of the key issues†, social finance unit, working paper, 23.Jeneva: ILO. Padmanabhan, PG. â€Å"A study of Ayalkoottam in a participatory planning and grass roots level democracy in Kumarakom panchayats and its scope of replication†,PP.72-74. John, Jacob. (90-97) â€Å"A study on Kudumbashree Project: A poverty eradication programme in Kerala†, PP. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020

Music At Highlander Essay

Music is a powerful tool of expression. Whether produced or listened to, it can reveal deep aspects of ones personality. Song’s can hold unique personal meanings through memory or message. During time’s of desperation, music’s constant rhythm can provide a fortress of comfort and steadiness. Music is depended upon for security, care, inspiration, and as a safe haven to be able to express freely. The Highlander Folk School is depended upon for the same reasons. These two schools of thought not only share similar relationship’s with people, but they are practiced together frequently. â€Å"Song, music and food are integral parts of education at Highlander. Music is one way for people to express their traditions, longings, and determination† (158). Myles Horton seemed certainly aware of the importance music had at Highlander, but never expressed it further than this quote from near the end of his autobiography, The Long Haul. How big of a role did music play in the Highlander education? Producing a safer environment, a more enriched education, and the ability to unleash potential, music was essential in the Highlander education. Music is nonjudgmental. There is no right or wrong, it just is what it is. People take away from music whatever they want. Myles Horton set up Highlander to work in the same way. He offered a community that practiced social equality, no discrimination or lack of freedom of speech. He offered workshops on what the people wanted to work on, and then left it to them to take away and use what they want. This was the organic structure of education Horton preached. He also focused on the surroundings needed to support this education. â€Å"The job of the staff members is to create a relaxed atmosphere in which the participants feel free to share their experiences† (150). Without an environment where people felt safe and comfortable in, this system would stay only a theory. Music kept this structure stable. Group songs created a platform for different cultures to bond and understand each other. It created comfort, security, and an environment full of love. Myles describes Highlander as, â€Å"A long tapestry with a weft made up of many colors†¦All of them are of a piece and blend in, and all are based on a love for humanity and trust in the ability of people to control their own lives enventually† (134). Myles Horton believed in experiential-based education. He endorsed student to student discussions. The learning happens between sharing stories and experiences from each other. He tried mixing as many cultures, ideas, and perspectives together to provide an enriched collection of experiences. â€Å"Another enrichment was the use of music and storytelling†¦In fact, the history of Highlander could in many important ways be told by the music – traditional songs and songs of struggle – that was brought there by the people† (133). Music at Highlander connected to people through messages, memories and traditions which provided student’s with enriched experiences to grow from. Some songs brought hidden truths to light, others inspired groups to come together. Church hymns were adapted and used as union songs (158). Every song brought with it some sense of tradition or culture to learn from. Before Highlander was established, Horton went to Denmark to get inspired by their folk high schools. He recalls an old director telling him that, â€Å"Through songs and poetry, students could grasp truths that might otherwise escape them, and that singing in unison was an effective way of inspiring people and bringing them closer together† (52). Music was a integral part of the Highlander education because it created student union and providing more enriched experiences to learn from. Music nurtures self-esteem and encourages creativity, self-confidence, and curiosity. Horton tries to nurture and encourage the same from students at Highlander. Myles viewed himself as a gardener and his job â€Å"to provide opportunities for people to grow, to provide a climate which nurtures islands of decency, where people can learn in such a way that they continue to grow† (133). Music helped provide this caring climate by installing tradition and comfort. Singing in unison provided an opportunity for students to grow by encouraging self-confidence and self-esteem. Group singing also help solidify a Highlander fundamental belief; trust people and believe in their ability to think for themselves. Empower people collectively, not individually. Bernice Robinson and Myles Horton learned early on in the first Citizenship School classes that, â€Å"You couldn’t just read and write yourself into freedom. You had to fight for that and you had to do it as part of a group, not as an individual† (104). Music lets students demonstrate the beauty and power of collective unison without actually leaving Highlander and protesting. This experience was invaluable in naturing and growing students. Myles Horton reveals near the end of his book, â€Å"Other than encouraging others, I made no significant contributions to music at the school, unless you count the verse I added to â€Å"We Shall Overcome† – â€Å"The truth shall make us free† (158). This statement shows his compassion for justice and his awareness of the importance of music at Highlander. Horton’s wife, Zilphia, is described by him as, â€Å"The moving spirit in shaping the singing and music program at Highlander (158). Many pictures in the book display Zilphia leading striker’s in song or Folk concerts at Highlander by Pete Seeger & Friends (156,157,159). Horton seemed to be surrounded by music through out his life and the education structure at Highlander is influenced by this. Music played a vital role at Highlander by providing an enriched environment nurturing students to ‘learn in such a way that they continue to grow’.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Essay Topics with Thesis Statement: No Longer a Mystery

Essay Topics with Thesis Statement: No Longer a Mystery Getting the Best Essay Topics with Thesis Statement Consult your instructor on the length of time the thesis statement ought to be to avoid making mistakes. Importantly, the aforementioned cancer thesis isn't ambiguous as it tells the readers about the connection between both variables. For additional clarifications on the duration of the thesis statement on Alzheimer's, you could go right ahead and ask your instructor for guidance on the exact same or use the internet to read more about the exact same. Provided that you arm yourself with enough evidence to tackle a number of the questions that may arise. An indirect statement doesn't indicate the concept of your essay clearly. No matter whether you require thesis statement examples for a persuasive essay or any kind of writing assistance, you're in the correct location. It's possible to bet that we double check our essays so that you know you will get original work ev ery moment. An evaluation essay is like a review because you have to examine both the beneficial and negative features of something. What Everybody Dislikes About Essay Topics with Thesis Statement and Why If your assignment asks you to have a position or create a claim about a subject, you might need to convey that position or claim in a thesis statement close to the commencement of your draft. If you neglect to submit your work punctually, you risk getting a reduced grade or needing to retake the full course. Whether it's a technique or a controversial statement, be sure that the reader receives the idea in a very clear and thorough manner. With the previous part, you may want assistance from an argumentative thesis generator. A thesis is the consequence of a prolonged thinking procedure and careful deliberation after preliminary research. It is the result of a lengthy thinking process. Rather, it ought to be instructive and thoroughly explain an approach. Alternately, y ou can imagine unconventional processes. It is possible to also learn to tie the numerous regions of the paper together to give a cohesive reading. Your thesis summarizes the argument you will be making in your paper, so you wish to make sure your point of view is crystal clear and debatable. If you select a topic that's not of interest to you, it is going to show in your paper. Regardless of what the subject of your paper might be, it is going to take a significant part of time to eventually complete. Introducing Essay Topics with Thesis Statement A thesis statement isn't a very simple statement of fact your reader will readily accept. It always goes at the beginning of the paper. Typically, it is one sentence at the end of the first paragraph. It is one of the most important sentences in your paper. 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A great thesis statement has to be written to reflect your views on this issue. The Pain of Essay Topics wit h Thesis Statement If you're writing a research paper, you shouldn't concentrate on over three variables, you ought to keep your thesis statement highly precise and always provide data for each claim you earn. Now, if requested to discuss cancer with respect to its cost by the professor, you want to produce a robust thesis statement for cancer. An individual can have the ability to produce distinctive statements about Alzheimer's.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Paper on Keynesian Contributions to Public Finance.

PAPER ON KEYNESIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO PUBLIC FINANCE 1. Impact of Keynesian Revolution on Public Finance In 1936 British economist John Maynard Keynes published The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. Distressed by the failure of national governments to cope with the Great Depression, Keynes rejected many assumptions of classical economics and argued that state intervention, and in particular regulation of interest rates, could control inflation and minimize unemployment. What however was the â€Å"Keynesian Revolution?† Perhaps we can find the answer by taking a brief glance at Keynes’s celebrated book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money and the â€Å"short argument† on page 63: Equation 1: Income = value of output†¦show more content†¦Income = value of output (A+B) = consumption (A) + investment + National Dividend. 2. Saving (B) = income (A+ B) minus consumption (A) 3. Therefore: Saving (B) = investment + National Dividend. It would be necessary to ensure that the â€Å"value of output† (so far as it represented the total price of retail goods) was kept down by using a part of the â€Å"National Dividend† to reduce retail prices, by means of the second Douglas proposal, the â€Å"National Discount† or â€Å"Compensated Price.† The central policy change was the proposition that government action could change the level of unemployment, via deficit spending (fiscal stimulus) such as by public works or tax cuts, and changes in interest rates and money supply (monetary policy) – the prevailing orthodoxy prior to that point was the Treasury view that government action could not change the level of unemployment. A central aspect of the Keynesian revolution was a change in theory concerning the factors determining employment levels in the overall economy. The revolution was set against the orthodox classical economic framework, and its successor, neoclassical economics, which based on Says Law argued that unless special conditions prevailed the free market would naturally establish full employment equilibrium with no need for government intervention. This view held that employers will be able to make a profit by employing all available workers as long as workers drop their wages below the value of the total Show MoreRelatedThe Inflation Definition And Influences Essay1649 Words   |  7 Pagesmeans the purchase of money is persistent declining (James and Charles 1975). And this is generally considered as the result of the amount of money in circulation more than the actual needs of the economy. It will directly leads to the devaluation of paper money. 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